March 2014
Understanding Joy:
The Devastation of a Gambling Addiction
Understanding Joy enters the mind of a 57 year old woman whose gambling addiction has overcome her sense of morality and driven her to embezzle over $700,000 during a seven year period from two employers. As she awaits sentencing for her crime, she struggles to explain her disease to her children, to the world and to understand it herself. National experts on-screen review Joy’s symptoms and actions to address: the addictive nature of pathological gambling; the neurobiological evidence showing the brain’s addiction; the need for clinical interventions to control addictive behavior; and, the optimal response to gambling addiction from societal and legal perspectives. Joy is currently incarcerated at the Maryland Correctional Institution for Women in Jessup, Maryland, sentenced to 25 years serving all but 17.
Jan. 2013
Table Games have potential to
increase risk of Gambling Addiction
Sept. 2012
University of Maryland
School of Medicine to Establish
Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling