May is Mental Health Month

This May, in collaboration with the Maryland Association of Prevention Professionals & Advocates (MAPPA), the Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling (the Center) invites you to join us in promoting Mental Health Month and bringing attention to how addictive behavior (gambling disorder, substance misuse and other addictions) can affect the well-being and recovery of both individuals and families.

May is also National Prevention Week, this year being observed May 10-16, 2020.  Promoted by MAPPA and the Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), National Prevention Week is a public health platform promoting prevention year-round through providing ideas, capacity building, tools, and resources to help individuals and communities make addictive behavior prevention (including substance use and problem gambling) happen every day.

CLICK HERE to view and print A Guide for Behavioral Health Providers, Preventionists and Public Information Officers:

  • Reference tools for Mental Health and Prevention
  • Social Media Ideas (Hash Tags and Posts)
  • Logo’s and Toolkits to create your own awareness/prevention campaigns
  • A resource listing

This May, we invite you to join us in promoting AWARENESS of mental health; developing PREVENTION messaging to mitigate addictive behavior; and taking ACTION to foster the health and well-being for Maryland residents.