
Annual Reports

Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report

Building on Past Successes
As We Face New Challenges

In fiscal year FY23, the Maryland Center of Excellence (the Center) began once again providing in person training and educational opportunities.   The Center expanded engagement with behavioral health providers, private practitioners, preventionists, and other organizations; increased the number of individuals assisted through Peer Recovery Support; and increased the number of total participants in clinical training and educational programs.


Helpline Reports

Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling

The goal of the Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling is to promote healthy and informed choices for individuals and communities.

The Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling promotes healthy and informed choices regarding gambling and problem gambling through treatment, prevention, training and education, outreach and public awareness, research and public policy. It does so by working closely with appropriate state stakeholders and bringing together experts from a variety of disciplines including psychiatry, medicine, epidemiology, social work, law and others.