As opportunities continue to rapidly increase for gambling across Maryland and our country, it has become increasingly essential for behavioral health providers to improve their capacity and capability of addressing and treating gambling problems. This virtual training series will provide those working in behavioral health a professional development experience to learn effective ways of working with gamblers and their families. In support of the “No Cost Problem Gambling Treatment” initiative launched by the Maryland Department of Health Behavioral Health Administration, this four-part clinical training is an in-depth basic program which builds the capability of providers to deliver problem gambling treatment for individuals and their families.
Providers who have had no or little problem gambling/gambling disorder clinical training are encouraged to attend this program, especially those providers and private practitioners participating in the Problem Gambling Reimbursement Program administered by the Maryland Department of Health Behavioral Health Administration.
NOTE: The agenda for this 12-hour, four-part clinical training program builds onto itself and are designed as interactive workshops. Mandatory attendance is strongly encouraged on all the program days in order as scheduled.
- CEUs will be provided for online attendance only (as recorded by GoToWebinar).
- No CEUs will be awarded by attendance through Audio only.
- No Partial CEUs will be awarded. You must attend all three hours per each program day as recorded by GoToWebinar.
- To provide an overview of the scope of gambling/problem gambling in US and Maryland
- To present screening, assessment and brief intervention strategies that can be applied in various clinical settings on identifying problem gamblers and addressing the impact of gambling on recovery.
- To review and understand gambling addiction from a personal experience (documentary).
- To provide a family systems overview of problem gambling and an analysis of financial considerations.
- To understand different treatment approaches and strategies and their role in treatment planning.
- To understand how harm reduction strategies can be applied to treatment of gambling disorder
Objectives: Participants will be able to:
- Define gambling, problem gambling, gambling disorder and responsible gambling.
- Identify at least three ways to integrate the topic of problem gambling and impact of gambling into existing intake, screening and assessment protocols.
- Understand the effects of gambling addiction through a personal story (documentary).
- Practice effective treatment planning.
- Practice utilizing brief motivational and referral strategies to address potential gambling and problem gambling issues w clients in substance use and mental health treatment.
- Identify impact of gambling on families and appropriate interventions for addressing financial issues
- Gain an understanding of different treatment strategies and how they can be employed in the treatment of gambling disorder
- Apply harm reduction strategies in the treatment of gambling disorder
The basic clinic virtual training workshops are three-hours in length with a brief 15-minute break. These programs are designed as interactive workshops.
Although this is a 12-hour, four-part clinical training series, a separate registration is required for each Workshop. See REGISTRATION section below to complete the registration form.
Thursday, October 21, 2021 – 9:00 AM-12:00 PM EDT
Part I – Introduction and Overview to Gambling, Problem Gambling and Gambling Disorder
- Basics of Gambling and Problem Gambling
- Effective Screening and Assessment
- Brief Intervention and Motivational Approaches
Thursday, October 28, 2021 – 1:00-4:00 PM EDT
Part II – Problem Gambling and Gambling Disorder: Personal Stories and the Road into Treatment
- Problem Gambling and It’s Effects
- Documentary on addiction and recovery
- Treatment Engagement
- Treatment Planning
Note: Attendance in Part I is strongly encouraged before attendance to this Part II program.
Monday, November 8, 2021 – 1:00-4:00 PM EDT
Part III – Treatment Strategies
- The Integration of Best Practices
- Treatment Approaches and Strategies
- Harm Reduction and MI
Note: Attendance in Part I and Part II is strongly encouraged before attendance to this Part III program.
Tuesday, November 16, 2021 – 9:00 AM-12:00 PM EDT
Part IV – Treatment Strategies Continued
- Addressing Finances and the Family
- Mindfulness Based Strategies
Note: Attendance in Part I, Part II and Part III is strongly encouraged before attendance to this Part IV program.
This is four-part program, awarding three Continuing Education Units (CEUs) per day (for a three-hour attendance each day as recorded by the online system). A total of 12 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) may be obtained for attendance on all four days, three-hours each program day.
A separate registration is required for each individual Workshop. The Evaluation and CEU awards will be processed and distributed at the conclusion of each Workshop Part for that specific workshop.
Please Note:
This program is developed in succession, each program day builds on the prior program day. Attendance to the complete four-day program in order is strongly encouraged.
- CEUs will be provided for online attendance only (as recorded by GoToWebinar).
- No CEUs will be awarded by attendance through Audio only.
- No Partial CEUs will be awarded. You must attend all three hours per each program day as recorded by GoToWebinar.
Although this is a 12-hour, four-part clinical training series, a separate registration is required for each Workshop. Once you complete the registration, you will receive a separate email confirmation for each program date. Note, there are mandatory attendance requirements to receive CEUs for this clinical training series, please reference the Continuing Education Unit section.
Please contact Donna Gaspar, Communications Manager (Training@mdproblemgambling.com; 667-214-2120) if you have any questions on this program and any other training programs and awareness initiatives at the Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling.