Problem Gambling Webinar Series FY23
We invite you to join the Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling (the Center) for the 2021-2022 series of FREE webinars designed to provide additional problem gambling prevention, clinical and recovery training on a variety of topics. Webinars are one (1) hour in length, 12:00-1:00 PM EDT and award one (1) CEU (unless otherwise specified).
Wednesday April 12, 2023
Becoming an Evidence-Based Therapist: Responding to the Challenge of Transference and Countertransference Reactions in Treating Gambling Disorder for Individuals and Families
Presented By:
Location: The Hotel at Arundel Preserve – 7795 Arundel Mills Blvd, Hanover, MD 21076
Research has consistently identified therapeutic relationship factors are critical in obtaining optimal treatment outcomes. Becoming an evidence-based therapist requires cultivating such characteristics as empathy, compassion, non-judgmental Ness, and authenticity. This experiential training will explore how the traditional psychodynamic perspective of transference and countertransference reactions can be utilized to enhance the therapeutic relationship in working with individuals, couples, and families.
- Participants will be able to identify evidence-based therapist characteristics that contribute to positive therapeutic outcome
- Participants will be able to define transference and countertransference
- Participant will describe specific transference and countertransference reactions common in working with gambling disorder
- Participants will be able to define how the perspective of transference and countertransference can be utilized in working with couples and families experiencing problem gambling.
- Participants will be given the opportunity to practice noticing and responding to transference and countertransference reactions.
Friday, March 3, 2023
Take the "Madness" out of Gambling: Harm Reduction Strategies
Presented By:
The month of March is know for “March Madness,” the NCAA men’s college basketball tournament as well as Problem Gambling Awareness month. To kick off this month of heightened gambling around the NCAA tournament as well as heighted awareness of the potential for gambling to create broad range of financial, emotional, legal and interpersonal problems, this webinar will discuss clinical and public health strategies for reducing the harms associated with problem gambling. Individual, family and community harms and harm reduction strategies will be considered.
Participants should be able to:
- Participants will be able to identify at least two potential harms related to problem gambling at an individual, family and community levels
- Participants will be able to describe interventions that can assist individuals/families whose goals may be limited/controlled gambling or abstinence from gambling. to reduce gambling related harms
- Participants will be able to identify how gambling related harms interact with social determinants of health and well-being.
Friday, January 20, 2023
Maryland Sports Betting: Implications from a Policy, Prevention, and Treatment Perspective
Presented By:
Heather Eshleman, MPH, Prevention Manager
Lori Rugle, PhD, ICGC-II, BACC, ICGD, Problem Gambling Treatment Consultant
The first sports betting licenses were issued in December 2021, creating a new avenue for betting in Maryland. Understand from various perspectives how access to a new way of gambling can impact your community. In this webinar we will discuss the Maryland policies on sports betting and how they may promote or discourage safe gambling. Hear about prevention strategies that can be used to avert underage gambling and encourage adults to gamble safely. In addition, from a clinical perspective, learn methods that can be used to identify and treat those who may be showing signs of a sports betting or gambling problem.
Participants should be able to:
- Consider the sports betting policies in Maryland and their potential impact on the community.
- Understand problem gambling prevention strategies that can be implemented to encourage responsible gambling in Maryland.
- Understand the evidenced-based problem gambling screening tools and treatment strategies relevant to individuals with problem gambling behaviors due to sports betting.
Friday, March 17, 2023
Best Practices in Gambling Treatment
Presented By:
This training will focus on some of the Engagement -Best Practices, Evidence based therapist, Reality Therapy and Therapist Mindfulness Skills and Self Care.
- Participants will learn how to apply evidence-based practices in the treatment of Gambling Disorder.
- Participants will develop an understanding of the complexities of the therapeutic processes that are unique to Gambling Disordered individuals.
- Participants will learn various techniques to improve treatment outcomes for those who have a Gambling Disorder.
Friday, March 10, 2023 (Rescheduled from February 28)
R.E.S.P.E.C.T: Find Out What It Means To Me! Culture is Home and DEI Strategies for Gambling Wellness, Prevention and Treatment
Presented By:
The current focus in diversity, equity and inclusion (and belonging) (DEIB) is to foster cultural humility vs. cultural competency as cultural humility (Fisher-Borne, et al., 2015; Lekas et al., 2020) recognizes that cultures are ever changing and we will never arrive at a place of “competency”–we should humble ourselves and strive to increase our cultural awareness in order to demonstrate true “respect” for the cultural communities we support. In this session, you will learn updated DEIB strategies to enhance your practice so that clients feel “seen,” “heard,” respected, and empowered to practice gambling wellness and recovery. This session will also highlight “outside the box” creative strategies so you feel empowered also.
Participants should be able to:
- Identity differences between cultural competency and cultural humility.
- Learn 3 DEIB strategies for consideration in gambling wellnesss, treatment, and prevention.
- Consider creative “outside the box” strategies for practitioner empowerment of DEI efforts.
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
SPECIAL EVENT: 2nd Annual Addiction and Recovery Conference 2023
Presented By:
The Addiction and Recovery Conference is a yearly collaboration between Maryland Peer Support Specialists and Maryland Behavioral Health Providers to share resources and information to better serve those in their community. Sponsored by the Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling and Tree of Hope Association, this year’s Conference will offer Continuing Education Units for Peers and Providers.
Participants should be able to:
- Develop a better understanding how Peer Recovery Support Specialists and Behavioral Health Providers can partner in assisting persons seeking help for addiction and recovery.
- Hear from an array of organizations how addiction and recovery is impacting youth and the LGBTQ+ population, ways to incorporate tools for prevention and harm reduction, and how to utilize ACES in your work.
- Resources for Maryland residents who are impacted by addiction and/or on the path to recovery.
Friday February 17, 2023
Working Together to Promote March Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM)
Presented By:
Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM), held each March, is a grassroots public awareness and outreach campaign created and sponsored by the National Council on Problem Gambling to educate the general public, behavioral health providers and preventionists, businesses, and community organizations on problem gambling. PGAM is an opportunity to showcase how different entities bring awareness to problem gambling and responsible gaming. Through this webinar, learn what the Maryland Lottery, Live! Casino, and the Center do to promote PGAM. Learn about the Maryland Alliance on Responsible Gambling and other Maryland resources for promoting safe gambling all year long. Learn how you can participate in PGAM!
Participants should be able to:
- Learn the history of Problem Gambling Awareness Month and why it is important to raise awareness of problem gambling.
- Learn how the Maryland Lottery and Live! Casino promote responsible gambling.
- Learn about the collaboration and responsible gambling strategies of the Maryland Alliance on Responsible Gambling (MARG).
- Learn about materials in the Center’s Problem Gambling Awareness Month toolkit that you can use in your workplace and community to raise awareness of problem gambling and resources for help.
Friday, September 11, 2020
The Journey of Recovery: Three Perspectives; The Gambler, The Family, and Counselor. A Celebration of National Recovery Month.
Presented By:
Join the Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling to recognize and celebrate the 30th year of National Recovery Month. We will celebrate the gains made and recognize the challenges faced by those in gambling recovery. You will hear unique and insightful perspectives from 3 members of the recovery community and their journeys. The Maryland Center of Excellence is dedicated to promoting and supporting evidence-based treatment and recovery practices, the emergence of a strong and proud recovery community, and the dedication of service providers and community members across the state who make recovery from gambling problems possible.
Attendees should be able to:
- Gain a greater understanding of the recovery process for the gambler.
- Learn about ways to support a gambler’s recovery as a family member.
- Learn about how to support the family member of the problem gambler.
- Develop an understanding of the treatment issues involved in the therapeutic process of a gambler’s recovery.
Friday, February 3, 2023
Deception and Self-Deception Related to Gambling Disorder
Presented By:
Lying to individuals who are important to them, is a diagnostic criteria for those with gambling disorder. This emphasized the importance of recognizing the centrality of deception and well as self-deception in this disorder. This webinar will look at ways that those with GD engage in deceiving themselves and others as a way to protect and maintain their gambling behavior. This webinar will focus on understanding the process of deception and self-deception in a non-stigmatizing manner to help those in recovery address unhelpful thinking patterns and ways to develop self-honesty and honesty with others.
Participants should be able to:
- To describe unhelpful thinking patterns among those with gambling disorder and how they contribute to self-deception and maintenance of harmful gambling.
- To present ways to address lying in a non-stigmatizing manner to decrease client defensiveness and increase self-awareness and honesty.
- To discuss ways deception harms relationships and families and recovery-oriented ways of communicating more openly and honestly
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Ethics and Client Rights in a Digital Clinical World
Presented By:
This training will review ethics for problem gambling treatment to ensure best practices are met in today’s digital world. Participants will review Codes of Ethics and Competence as it pertains to problem gambling and technology. Participants will then review technology standards and the HIPAA Privacy Rule to determine if any changes need to be made in their clinical practice. We will conduct a deep dive into Informed Consents and what should be updated for this new era of digital clinical. And last, participants will review various forms of technology that may have potential ethical issues with confidentiality, privacy, informed consent, and boundaries through the use of case vignettes.
Attendees should be able to:
- review and apply a practical model for ethical decision-making to inform clinical practice.
- Articulate the difference between ethical dilemmas and clinical challenges.
- Become familiar with the Standards for Technology in Social Work Practice as a guide for ethical decision-making regarding technology.
- Understand the HIPAA Privacy Rule and how it applies to psychotherapy notes for clients with disordered gambling.
- Explore current use of technology and potential ethical issues related to using them, including boundaries, confidentiality, privacy, informed consent, and competence.
- Use case vignettes to apply knowledge to practice using technology in clinical settings.
Tuesday April 11, 2023
Neurobiology of Gambling Disorder, Risk Factors, Developmental Issues and Treatment Approaches from Pharmacotherapy to Mindfulness Based Interventions
Presented By:
Location: The Hotel at Arundel Preserve – 7795 Arundel Mills Blvd, Hanover, MD 21076
This training will explore the biological and neurobiological factors that can contribute to the development of gambling disorder. Research findings on neuroimaging, epigenetic and behavioral approaches to understanding the risk for and impact of gambling on neurocognitive function will be reviewed. The clinical implications of these biological factors will be presented along with specific psychoeducational, pharmacotherapeutic and mindfulness-based treatments.
- Participants will be able to identify key research findings neurocognitive risk factors for the development of a gambling disorder
- Participants will be able to describe at least 2 neurobiological, developmental factors that may contribute to risk for development of problematic gambling
- Participants will gain practice in describing how gambling effects the brain as part of client psychoeducation
- Participants will be able to describe at least 2 research findings regarding the psychopharmacological treatment of gambling disorder
- Participants will be able to describe at least 2 mindfulness-based strategies that can address neurocognitive issues in the treatment of gambling disorder.
Friday, January 6, 2023
Self-help Recovery Support for Gambling Disorder
Presented By:
It is extremely important for counselors working with individuals and concerned others living with a gambling disorder to understand the range of self-help options that can support recovery for their clients. This webinar will review the scope of self-help options available for individuals, their friends and families who are facing the issue of gambling disorder. The nature and scope of a variety of self-help groups (including Gamblers Anonymous, Gam-Anon, Gamblers in Recovery, SMART Recovery, Quitgamble.com, etc.) will be discussed and the role of self-help options within a Recovery Oriented System of care will be explored.
Participants should be able to:
- identify the nature and recovery orientation of a variety of self-help groups so as to be able to make the most effective options to their clients.
- describe how self-help options can be integrated into clinical recovery planning.
- utilize motivational strategies to encourage client utilization of self-help resources.
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Gambling Disorder: Fundamentals for Healthcare Professionals
Presented By:
Carin Miller, CPRS
Location: Ramada Plaza by Wyndham, 1718 Underpass Way, Banquet Hall, Hagerstown, MD 21740
As gambling continues to become increasingly accessible throughout Maryland, rates of problematic gambling will also increase. It is essential for health and behavioral health care professionals to improve their competence in addressing and treating gambling related problems. The fundamentals for gambling disorder will provide a basic knowledge for identifying the at-risk gambler, screening tools, as well as brief interventions. This training is applicable and relevant for all helping professionals working with those in treatment for behavioral health disorders.
At the end of the training attendees should know and understand…
- The scope of problematic gambling and how to recognize when gambling is becoming problematic.
- Effective screening and assessment for gambling with tools for brief interventions using motivational interviewing.
- The DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for Gambling Disorder, specifiers, and severity.
- Role of SBIRT and the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) related to gambling.
- The impact gambling behaviors can have on the family and the individual’s overall health.
Tuesday November 1, 2022
Gambling Disorder Treatment Approaches: Motivational Interviewing
Presented By:
Motivational interviewing is a therapeutic approach that helps people recognize their ambivalent feelings to find the internal motivations needed to change their behavior. This approach developed out of Carl Roger’s person-centered counseling model and established by Miller and Rollnick in 1983. This training will explore how to use motivational interviewing techniques with individuals whose gambling behavior has become problematic. Harm reduction strategies will be discussed as a part of this model to assist in understanding how difficult it is to make life changes.
At the end of this training attendees should know and understand…
- How to incorporate Motivational Interviewing techniques into their treatment practices as it pertains to those identified with a Gambling Disorder.
- Strategies to engage those with gambling related problems in the treatment process.
- How to define limited gambling and the role harm reduction plays in gambling treatment.
- The use of SMART goals in treatment planning with gamblers and their families.
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Gambling Disorder Treatment Approaches: Addressing Family and Finances
Presented By:
Deborah E Perry, MA, LCPC, NCC, MAC
Those identified as having a Gambling Disorder impact 7-10 people in their immediate circle. The immediate circle can include family, friends, employers, teachers, etc. This training will examine how to include and integrate familial interventions and financial planning into treatment for gambling disorder. Discussions about the financial impact of gambling on the recovering individual and family will be explored. We will also discuss the recovery process, it’s challenges and hope for sustaining positive outcomes.
At the end of this training attendees should know and understand…
- Ways to address common therapeutic challenges when working with families impacted by individuals with a gambling disorder.
- The impact problematic gambling can have on families and appropriate interventions for addressing financial issues.
- The role of financial planning and developing a money protection plan for sustained recovery.
Friday, October 7, 2022
Gambling Disorder and Co-occurring Disorders
Presented By:
What is the relationship between gambling problems and psychiatric disorders? This webinar will deepen your understanding of the underlying causes and conditions that contribute to the development and maintenance of addictions. You will learn about the challenges that clinicians face in providing treatment for those who struggle with co-occurring disorders.
Attendees should be able to:
- Identify the impact of gambling among individuals diagnosed with psychiatric illnesses
- Identify at least three commonly perceived benefits of gambling for individuals with psychological disorders.
- Identify treatment approaches to address gambling problems among those with psychiatric conditions.
Friday, October 28, 2022
Problem Gambling Among Military and Veteran Populations
Presented By:
There are substantial risks for those currently serving or who have served in the military to be faced with a gambling problem; a problem not only impacting them, but others in their lives. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) made a clear and strong recommendation that all branches of the military screen, assess and provide treatment for Gambling Disorder. Furthermore, the most current Defense Department Authorization Act has mandated that all services screen for Gambling Disorder. However, there has yet been a systemwide approach to integrating GD into existing addiction and behavioral health services within the Department of Defense or Veterans Administration. This training will address the special needs and risk factors among active-duty service members and veterans around problem gambling. Co-occurring issues such as PTSD and suicide will also be discussed.
Attendees should be able to:
- Identify scope of problem gambling in active-duty military and veteran populations
- Identify problem gambling risk factors for those serving in the military
- Adapt treatment strategies to best align with military and veteran groups
Friday, November 18, 2022
'Tis the Season for Gifting Responsibly: Avoid Underage Lottery Play and Engage in Responsible Gambling
Presented By:
December is the season for festive celebrations, generosity and family gatherings. Every December, the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG), lotteries across the Country, and community organizations promote gifting lottery tickets responsibly for the holiday season. Year round, The Center collaborates with the MLGCA and community organizations to promote responsible gambling, including underage gambling prevention. Join us for an interactive webinar and learn of strategies implemented by the Center and MLGCA to promote responsible gambling and how you can prevent underage gambling and promote responsible gambling within your organization and your community.
Participants will be able to:
- Learn about youth gambling and the risks of gambling at a young age.
- Learn what MLGCA does to promote the Gift Responsibly campaign and prevent underage gambling during the holidays and year-round.
- Learn about underage and problem gambling prevention strategies for youth that have been implemented in Maryland over the last few years through the Center’s prevention grant programs.
- Utilize resources and tools for awareness within the 2022 Holiday Awareness Guide for Behavioral Health Providers and Preventionists.
Friday, December 2, 2022
Finance and Gambling
Presented By:
Participants will gain an understanding of how the meaning and value of money changes with the progression of a gambling disorder and how to talk about and address the financial impact of problem gambling as a key component of the recovery process.
- Participants will be able to define how the meaning of money becomes distorted through the progress of a gambling disorder
- Participants will be able to identify and assess the common financial consequences of a gambling disorder
- Participants will be able to define the key components of a financial recovery plan for disordered gamblers
Friday, December 16, 2022
The Journey to Recovery
Presented By:
Gambling, like all addictions can have an arduous journey back to a normal way of thinking and living. Unfortunately, many people do not seem to comprehend the complexity of this disease and as it goes undetected it becomes that elephant in the room which nobody seems to notice or is comfortable addressing. To this day many people look at excessive gambling as a problem with which the individual should simply “just stop” before causing further financial or personal problems. As certified peer recovery specialists in recovery from a gambling disorder we will share our experiences with the struggles involving recognizing the gambling addiction, the tools which can be utilized to assist someone you believe is struggling with this disease, ways and means to regain one’s self-worth, and tools which can be utilized to assist in treating the disease.
- A better understanding of the difference between recreational/pleasure gambling and problem gambling.
- Suggestions on approaching an individual whom you suspect might have a gambling problem.
- Treatment options for an individual with a gambling problem, both short term and long term.
Friday, May 14, 2021
May is Women’s Health Month: Awareness and Prevention of Problem Gambling Behaviors in Women
Presented By:
Although current data reports men have a higher percentage over women of disordered gambling diagnosis, data also shows there is an increase in women who are gambling and who are at risk of becoming disordered gamblers. In celebration of Women’s Health Month, join us for a discussion about women’s gambling behaviors, how these behaviors differ from men, and what we can do as health professionals and family members to support safe gambling among women. Based on a current literature review, participants will learn the facts on women’s gambling, what forms of gambling appeal more to women, and what can be done to prevent problem gambling behaviors among women.
Attendees should be able to:
- Determine the difference between women’s and men’s gambling behaviors and types of gambling preferences.
- Learn what can be done to prevent problem gambling behaviors in women by encouraging safe gambling behaviors and use of prevention strategies.
- Learn the best ways to have the conversation with a woman family member, friend, or client if you are concerned about her gambling behaviors.
Friday, September 25, 2020
We Talk To Our Kids About Drugs and Sex…But What About Gaming and Gambling?
Presented By:
We know we have to talk to our kids about drugs and sex, but gaming and gambling are often not recognized as risky youth behaviors. Basic facts and trends in youth gaming and gambling will be presented as well as the warning signs of a possible addiction. Learn ways to have the conversation on gaming and gambling behaviors with the youth in your life. Join us for this interactive webinar that will: discuss emerging trends in youth gaming and gambling; review risky behaviors that can lead to addiction; and present the importance of preventing excessive gaming behaviors and underage gambling among youth.
Attendees should be able to:
- Learn the basic facts and trends of youth gaming and gambling.
- Recognize the warning signs of youth gaming and/or gambling addiction.
- Learn how to have the conversation on problem gaming and gambling addiction with youth.
- Learn individual and environmental prevention strategies to prevent underage gambling.
Friday, October 9, 2020
Two-Hour Program (2 CEUs awarded) – 11AM-1PM EDT Fostering Financial Empowerment within Behavioral Health, Problem Gambling, and Other Clinical Settings
Presented By:
During this pandemic, financial distress can be especially profound, and it is more important than ever to hone skills related to financial management of resources and sound planning within the behavioral health client population. This training webinar will provide an overview of the relevant financial issues that are present in work with clients who deal with mental health, addiction, and problem gambling issues. The training will help clinicians, peer supporters, and other helping professionals to become more familiar with the financial issues under consideration and to intervene meaningfully and constructively as a part of comprehensive services and care. Goals: The goals of this training webinar are to familiarize attendees with financial distress that is often present with clients and families within clinical settings, along with financial empowerment strategies that can be utilized by providers when working with clients.
Attendees should be able to:
- Understand financial issues and stressors present with clients who are coping with a broad range of behavioral health issues and the role gambling may play particularly in this time of Covid 19, and identify the ongoing financial issues and challenges
- Identify interventions that can be used when working one-on-one with clients
- Discuss federal and state programs and resources to be tapped into to help ease financial distress during the pandemic
- Identify tools and strategies to assist in assessing and intervening with clients in financial distress
Friday, October 30, 2020
Promoting Resilience in the Family: Working with Families of the Problem Gambler
Presented By:
The family members of the problem gambler experience a great deal of emotional stain and stress. Families need support and assistance to restore balance and psychological equilibrium. Join us for this interesting and informative presentation on family dynamics and building family resilience. Learn how to help families heal, grow, and recover. This workshop will address the treatment issues that are common and unique when working with the families of the problem gambler.
Attendees should be able to:
- To learn the definition of resilience and how to promote it.
- To develop an increased understanding of how to build resilience in the family of the problem gambler.
- To increase understanding of relevant family issues involved in the treatment of problem gamblers
- To learn therapeutic techniques to promote the recovery of the problem gambler and their family.
Friday, November 6, 2020
Problem Gambling Among Military and Veteran Populations
Presented By:
There are substantial risks for those currently serving or who have served in the military to be faced with a gambling problem; a problem not only impacting them, but others in their lives. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) made a clear and strong recommendation that all branches of the military screen, assess and provide treatment for Gambling Disorder. Furthermore, the most current Defense Department Authorization Act has mandated that all services screen for Gambling Disorder. However, there has yet been a system-wide approach to integrating GD into existing addiction and behavioral health services within the Department of Defense or Veterans Administration. This training will address the special needs and risk factors among active duty service members and veterans around problem gambling. Co-occurring issues such as PTSD and suicide will also be discussed.
Learning Objectives: Attendees should be able to:
- Identify scope of problem gambling in active duty military and veteran populations
- Identify problem gambling risk factors for those serving in the military
- Adapt treatment strategies to best align with military and veteran groups
Friday, December 4, 2020
‘Tis the Season for Gifting Responsibly: Avoid Underage Lottery Play and Engage in Responsible Gambling
Presented By:
December is the season for festive celebrations, generosity and family gatherings. It is also a season where excesses are more acceptable, mental stress can be heightened, and financial strain stretched to the limit. For those who are struggling with, and affected by, problems caused by gambling behaviors, actions and stress around the holidays can be magnified. Join us for an interactive webinar and learn how you can promote responsible gambling within your organization and your community.
Attendees should be able to:
- Understand how underage lottery play can affect future gambling behaviors in children.
- Recognize and implement tips for responsible gambling and problem gambling prevention during this season of “giving.”
- Utilize resources and tools for awareness within the 2020 Holiday Awareness Guide for Behavioral Health Providers and Preventionists.
Friday, December 18, 2020
A Compassionate Path of Recovery for Gamblers: Mindfulness Theory, Research and Treatment
Presented By:
The path of recovery for the gambler is diverse, unpredictable, and wrought with challenges. Each person’s journey is as diverse and unique as the individual in recovery. Research indicates that a mindfulness based compassionate approach to lifestyle changes can enhance one’s recovery process and reduce the risk of relapse as well as limiting the harm that gambling addiction causes. This experiential workshop with explore the benefits of mindfulness practice in recovery. We will also examine the essential therapeutic skills of the compassionate practioner.
Attendees should be able to:
- To explore various aspects of Mindfulness Gambling Recovery and its promotion.
- Examine the theory and research on mindful compassionate recovery for gamblers.
- We will discuss the benefits of compassion practice for gamblers and professionals.
- Review the skill set of the mindful helping professional.
Friday, January 29, 2021
Promoting Resilience in Times of Adversity for Gambling Clients and Professionals
Presented By:
Join us for this relevant and timely presentation on helping those we serve who are experiencing the adversity of the pandemic and gambling problems. This workshop will cover the topics of stress management, and how to enhance resilience and promote its development in our clients and ourselves.
Attendees should be able to:
- Review the factors that make the pandemic stressful for gamblers.
- Learn the definition of Resilience and how to promote its development.
- Learn clinical and self-care strategies specifically related to the current stressors in our lives.
Friday, February 12, 2021
2021 Maryland Legislative Update: Gambling-Related Bills
Presented By:
In Maryland, state laws are enacted during an annual 90-day legislative session that runs each January-April. In that time, the Maryland General Assembly hears upwards of 2,000 bills. This webinar will synthesize gambling-related bills and discuss legal and policy implications of introduced legislation. There will also be a discussion on sports betting and a brief overview of its path to legalization through the legislative process in Maryland.
Attendees should be able to:
- Learn the Maryland legislative process and how it has changed in 2021 from COVID-19.
- Understand the gambling bills that have been introduced and how they would affect Maryland law.
- Understand the November 2020 sports betting referendum and its impact on legislative session and how rollout will occur.
- Learn about any testimony the Center has provided in the 2021 legislative session.
Friday, February 26, 2021
Have the Conversation: March Problem Gambling Awareness Month
Presented By:
Problem Gambling Awareness Month, held each March, is a grassroots public awareness and outreach campaign created and sponsored by the National Council on Problem Gambling to educate the general public and behavioral health providers and preventionists on problem gambling. “Have the Conversation” is an opportunity for an open dialogue and candid discussion to bring awareness to gambling behaviors and resources available within the community and promote action with one’s organization for integrating gambling awareness and problem gambling prevention and treatment into existing services.
Attendees should be able to:
- Learn the history of Problem Gambling Awareness Month and why it is important to raise awareness of problem gambling.
- Understand the risks and identify warning signs that may be associated with problem gambling.
- Learn talking points that can be incorporated into conversations around the topic of gambling – with colleagues, friends, family and clients.
- Learn tips for talking with special populations, e.g. youth, older adults, persons in recovery, etc.
- Learn about materials in the Center’s Problem Gambling Awareness Month toolkit that you can use in your workplace and community to raise awareness of problem gambling and resources for help.
Friday, April 9, 2021
Positive Psychology, Part 1: A Strength Based Approach to Working with Gamblers.
Presented By:
Positive Psychology is a strength-based approach to working with others which enhances their ability to thrive. This workshop will teach the clinician how to use Positive Psychology in their work with gamblers and their families. Learn ways to help clients use their positive attributes in order to create the conditions for a successful recovery and increased life satisfaction. This workshop will teach helping professionals how to asst clients to experience ways to improve their ability to experience positive emotions, gratitude, and live a meaningful life. Positive Psychology helps clients to cultivate the best within themselves. Join us for this uplifting exploration of the good that lies within each of us.
Attendees should be able to:
- Learn what Positive Psychology is and how it can be applied.
- Understand how a strength-based approach to gambling treatment helps to improve treatment outcomes.
- Develop a greater understanding of how to employ the principals of Positive Psychology into healthy lifestyle choices for the gambler and their families.
- Learn how to create the therapeutic conditions to allow our clients to thrive.
Friday, April 30, 2021
Positive Psychology, Part 2: A Strength Based Approach to Working with Gamblers.
Presented By:
In Part 2 of this workshop, we will continue our discussion on the strength-based approach of Positive Psychology. We will discuss ways that clinicians can help gambling clients to enhance their ability to experience positive outcomes in recovery and live a satisfying life. This workshop will explore approaches to help individuals to savor pleasure and improve their ability to engage in their lives. Positive Psychology helps clients to cultivate the best within themselves. Join us for the continuation of this uplifting exploration of how to help clients live up to their full potential.
Attendees should be able to:
- Learn about what Positive Psychology is and how it can be applied.
- Learn how to further develop and create the therapeutic conditions to allow a client to thrive.
- Explore the concepts of savoring, flow, and engagement as they relate to gambling recovery.
Friday, January 14, 2022
Self-compassion and Resilience for Healers Working with Trauma and Gambling Disordered Clients
Presented By:
Attendees should be able to:
- Define the term compassion fatigue and identify symptoms of the impact of caring/compassion fatigue with gamblers.
- Identify the impact/effect that being a helping professional has on physical and emotional well-being.
- Improve self-care skills by learning mindfulness techniques and methods of applying them in the therapeutic relationship with gamblers and trauma survivors.
- Identify the number of reasons why it is essential for healers to remain resilient in response to the demands of our work.
Friday, June 11, 2021
Motivational Interviewing with the Problem Gambler
Presented By:
Motivational Interviewing is an effective evidenced based approach used in the treatment of addictions. It is a Person-Centered style of counseling that uses techniques which engage clients to move toward changing behaviors and their lives. Join us for this informative workshop on how to impact the change process with clients who have problems with gambling with co-occurring addictions. Understand the spirit and the stages of MI as well as the strategies relevant for each stage. Explore when and how to use Motivational Interviewing as one of the intervention tools that is applicable to a variety of settings. This workshop will provide the clinician an opportunity to reflect on their practice.
Attendees should be able to:
- Learn what Motivational Interviewing is and how it works to effect change.
- Learn how to apply the skills of MI.
- Gain an enriched understanding of the change process and our resistance to change.
- Learn and how to move clients through the stages of change.
Friday, October 1, 2021
Gambling Disorder and Co-occurring Disorders
Presented By:
What is the relationship between gambling problems and psychiatric disorders? This webinar will deepen your understanding of the underlying causes and conditions that contribute to the development and maintenance of addictions. You will learn about the challenges that clinicians face in providing treatment for those who struggle with co-occurring disorders.
Attendees should be able to:
- Identify the impact of gambling among individuals diagnosed with psychiatric illnesses
- Identify at least three commonly perceived benefits of gambling for individuals with psychological disorders.
- Identify treatment approaches to address gambling problems among those with psychiatric conditions.
Friday, October 29, 2021
Problem Gambling Among Military and Veteran Populations
Presented By:
There are substantial risks for those currently serving or who have served in the military to be faced with a gambling problem; a problem not only impacting them, but others in their lives. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) made a clear and strong recommendation that all branches of the military screen, assess and provide treatment for Gambling Disorder. Furthermore, the most current Defense Department Authorization Act has mandated that all services screen for Gambling Disorder. However, there has yet been a systemwide approach to integrating GD into existing addiction and behavioral health services within the Department of Defense or Veterans Administration. This training will address the special needs and risk factors among active duty service members and veterans around problem gambling. Co-occurring issues such as PTSD and suicide will also be discussed.
Attendees should be able to:
- Identify scope of problem gambling in active duty military and veteran populations
- Identify problem gambling risk factors for those serving in the military
- Adapt treatment strategies to best align with military and veteran groups
Friday, November 19, 2021
‘Tis the Season for Gifting Responsibly: Avoid Underage Lottery Play and Engage in Responsible Gambling
Presented By:
December is the season for festive celebrations, generosity and family gatherings. Every December, the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG), lotteries across the Country, and community organizations promote gifting lottery tickets responsibly for the holiday season. Year round, The Center collaborates with the MLGCA and community organizations to promote responsible gambling, including underage gambling prevention. Join us for an interactive webinar and learn of strategies implemented by the Center and MLGCA to promote responsible gambling and how you can prevent underage gambling and promote responsible gambling within your organization and your community.
Attendees should be able to:
- Learn about youth gambling and the risks of gambling at a young age.
- Learn what MLGCA does to promote the Gift Responsibly campaign and prevent underage gambling during the holidays and year-round.
- Learn about underage and problem gambling prevention strategies for youth that have been implemented in Maryland over the last few years through the Center’s prevention grant programs.
- Utilize resources and tools for awareness within the 2021 Holiday Awareness Guide for Behavioral Health Providers and Preventionists.
Friday, December 17, 2021
Gambling is NOT the Solution to Financial Woes: Understanding the Stress of Problem/Disordered Gamblers During the Holidays and in the New Year.
Presented By:
The holiday season and the beginning of a New Year can heighten anxiety for those who grapple with addiction; mental stress can be heightened, and financial strain stretched to the limit. For those who are affected by problems caused by gambling, stress at this time of year can be magnified to new levels – especially when gambling is viewed as a financial solution. Join us for this special webinar to listen as the Center’s Peer Recovery Support Specialists share their personal experiences with gambling addiction and learn financial empowerment strategies to assist your clients and communities.
Attendees should be able to:
- Understand through personal stories how problem gambling and gambling disorder can heighten stress during the holiday and in the New Year.
- Identify tools and strategies to assist in assessing and intervening with clients in financial distress.
- Learn the tools and resources offered by the Center, including Peer Support.
Thursday, March 17, 2022
Harm Reduction - Part 1
Presented By:
Harm Reduction is an evidence-based strategy in the field of problem gambling treatment. Harm reduction is not an alternative to traditional abstinence based approaches but incorporates abstinence as one of a menu of treatment goals that can be agreed upon in working with clients around issues of problem gambling. This interactive workshop will review how harm reduction and/or limited/controlled gambling can be effective strategies in addressing a client’s gambling problems.
Attendees should be able to:
- Participants will be able to define limited gambling and the role of harm reduction and its problem gambling treatment planning.
- Participants will learn strategies to engage the problem gambler in the treatment process.
- Participants will learn how to employ dimensions assessment and establish a treatment plan using limited gambling and harm reduction strategies.
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Gambling Disorder: Fundamentals for Healthcare Professionals
Presented By:
Deborah E Perry, MA, LCPC, NCC, MAC
Jim Nowlin, CPRS
Location: Chesapeake College, Health Professions and Athletics Center, 1000 College Cir, Room 127, Wye Mills, MD 21679
As gambling continues to become increasingly accessible throughout Maryland, rates of problematic gambling will also increase. It is essential for health and behavioral health care professionals to improve their competence in addressing and treating gambling related problems. The fundamentals for gambling disorder will provide a basic knowledge for identifying the at-risk gambler, screening tools, as well as brief interventions. This training is applicable and relevant for all helping professionals working with those in treatment for behavioral health disorders.
At the end of the training attendees should know and understand…
- The scope of problematic gambling and how to recognize when gambling is becoming problematic.
- Effective screening and assessment for gambling with tools for brief interventions using motivational interviewing.
- The DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for Gambling Disorder, specifiers, and severity.
- Role of SBIRT and the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) related to gambling.
- The impact gambling behaviors can have on the family and the individual’s overall health.
Friday, April 7, 2023
Stress Management Approaches to Work with the Problem Gambler
Presented By:
This training will put the emphasis on stress management for individuals struggling with disordered gambling and how it can help these individuals with gambling addiction. Studies have shown that managing one’s level of stress can reduce the tendencies to want to gamble to escape stressors for example. Afterall, gambling is not a pure disorder. It’s imperative to get these individuals to start working towards harm reduction or abstinence from gambling in order to regain control of their lives.
Participants should be able to:
- A working definition of stress and the impact on the problem gambler
- Coping strategies to manage stressors responsibly
- Utilizing mindfulness and self-care regimen to manage stressors
- Embracing resiliency to get back on track with one’s goals and aspirations
Friday, January 28, 2022
Maryland Sports Betting is Here: Implications from a Policy, Prevention, and Treatment Perspective
Presented By:
Heather Eshleman, MPH, Prevention Manager
Kristen Beall, LCSW-C, CAC-AD, Clinical Manager
The first sports betting licenses were issued in December 2021, creating a new avenue for betting in Maryland. Understand from various perspectives how access to a new way of gambling, Sports Betting, can impact your community. In this webinar we will discuss the Maryland policies on sports betting and how they may promote or discourage safe gambling. Hear about prevention strategies that can be used to avert underage gambling and encourage adults to gamble safely. In addition, from a clinical perspective, learn methods that can be used to identify and treat those who may be showing signs of a sports betting or gambling problem.
Attendees should be able to:
- Consider the sports betting policies in Maryland and their potential impact on the community
- Understand problem gambling prevention strategies that can be implemented to encourage responsible gambling in Maryland.
- Understand the evidenced-based screening tools and treatment strategies relevant to problem gambling and gambling disorder.
Thursday, March 31, 2022
Harm Reduction - Part 2
Presented By:
Naomi Durand-Kabasela
Harm Reduction is an evidence-based strategy in the field of problem gambling treatment. Harm reduction is not an alternative to traditional abstinence based approaches but incorporates abstinence as one of a menu of treatment goals that can be agreed upon in working with clients around issues of problem gambling. This interactive workshop will review how harm reduction and/or limited/controlled gambling can be effective strategies in addressing a client’s gambling problems.
Attendees should be able to:
- Participants will be gain awareness of how harm reduction strategies can be employed in the context of family and the development of money protection planning.
- Participants will be able to create a motivational enhancement plan for gambling clients using Motivational Interviewing strategies.
- Participants will learn about habit change and mindfulness strategies as an approach to harm reduction.
Friday, May 28, 2021
Don’t Forget About the Power of the Unconscious: A Psychodynamic Approach to Working with Problem Gamblers.
Presented By:
This interesting and informative webinar will discuss the unconscious processes that effect the development of the problem gambler. We will explore the various levels of consciousness, as it relates to the problem gambler. The discussion will also address the role of defense mechanisms, fantasy life and transference in the understanding of gambling disordered individuals. The application of psychodynamic principals in the treatment of the gambler will also be included in the presentation.
Attendees should be able to:
- Develop a greater understanding psychodynamic theory and how it explains the development of gambling disorder.
- Learn the concepts of defense mechanisms, fantasy life and transference apply to problem gambling.
- Develop a deeper understanding of how to apply the principals of psychodynamic psychology to the treatment of gambling disorder.
Thursday – April 13, 2023
Gambling and Comorbid Process Addictions – Part I
Presented By:
Participants will be able to identify different process addictions and how they interact to make recovery more complicated when they occur concurrently. Therapists will be able to better support clients who are trying to develop goals and priorities.
- Identify 5 questions and 5 categories that can help a person identify problematic behavior.
- Identify an idiosyncrasy for at least three different types of process addictions.
- Identify at least three differences between healthy sexuality (sexual positivity) and toxic sexual behaviors (sex addiction).
- Describe the difference between Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder and Anorexia Nervosa
- Identify the six components of the addiction cycle.
- Describe how co-addictions can be fused and describe three different stages of that process.
Friday, February 11, 2022
Positive Psychology: A Strength Based Approach to Working with Gamblers
Presented By:
Attendees should be able to:
- Learn what Positive Psychology is and how it can be applied
- Learn how a strength-based approach to gambling treatment helps to improve treatment outcomes
- Develop a greater understanding of how to employ the principals of Positive Psychology into healthy lifestyle choices for the gambler and their families
- Learn how to create the therapeutic conditions to allow our clients to thrive
Friday, April 21, 2023
Focusing on Gambling Behaviors Among Maryland’s Asian Population and Strategies to Prevent Problem Gambling
Presented By:
Heather Eshleman, MPH, Prevention Manager
Kenneth Crawford, CPRS, CRS, Certified Peer Recovery Specialist
National and State data show Asians are at an increased risk of problem gambling compared to the Caucasian population. This webinar will show data and research findings indicating this heath disparity and discuss reasons why the Asian population may be at greater risk of problem gambling behaviors. Hear from one of the Center’s Peer Recovery Support Specialists and how he views gambling in the Asian community. My Life Foundation, a community organization in Maryland, will discuss how they have integrated problem gambling prevention strategies with their mental health promotion and substance misuse prevention programming to reach the Korean population. Recommendations for how your organization can assist with expanding problem gambling prevention work within the Asian community and resources for help will be discussed.
Participants should be able to:
- Learn the most recent data on Asian gambling and why this population may be at greater risk of problem gambling.
- Learn from a Peer Recovery Support Specialist perspectives on gambling in the Asian community.
- Learn about problem gambling prevention strategies targeting the Korean community implemented in collaboration with My Life Foundation.
- Learn easy and low-cost public awareness and prevention strategies to promote responsible gambling among the Asian population.
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Special Populations: Women, Youth, and The Elderly
Presented By:
Research in the field indicates that the women, youth, and the elderly engage in gambling behavior for different reasons and in various ways. This workshop will present important information that will enhance your understanding of the issues that are unique to these groups. We will review rational strategies and comprehensive problem gambling treatment needs for these special populations.
Attendees should be able to:
- Participants will learn about the particular concerns in determining prevalence rates and risks among these vulnerable demographic groups.
- Participants will learn about gender differences in problem gambling behavior and its progression.
- Participants will develop a deeper understanding of the risk factors of gambling behavior that is unique to our youth.
- Participants learn about the wide range of causal factors that contribute to developing a gambling disorder among the elderly.
Friday, February 25, 2022
Join Us! March Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM): A Collaborative Approach Across Sectors
Presented By:
Patrick Martin, Vice President, Regional Compliance, MGM National Harbor
Brenda McNelis, Regulatory Compliance Officer at Ocean Downs Casino
Heather Eshleman, Prevention Manager
Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM), held each March, is a grassroots public awareness and outreach campaign created and sponsored by the National Council on Problem Gambling to educate the general public, behavioral health providers and preventionists, businesses, and community organizations on problem gambling. “March Problem Gambling Awareness Month” is an opportunity to showcase how different entities bring awareness to problem gambling. Through this webinar, learn what the Maryland Lottery, MGM National Harbor, and the Center do to promote PGAM. Learn about the Maryland Alliance on Responsible Gambling and other Maryland resources for promoting safe gambling all year long. Learn how you can participate in PGAM!
Attendees should be able to:
- Learn the history of Problem Gambling Awareness Month and why it is important to raise awareness of problem gambling.
- Learn how the Maryland Lottery and MGM National Harbor promote responsible gambling.
- Learn about the collaboration and responsible gambling strategies of the Maryland Alliance on Responsible Gambling (MARG).
- Learn about materials in the Center’s Problem Gambling Awareness Month toolkit that you can use in your workplace and community to raise awareness of problem gambling and resources for help.
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Client Engagement: Treatment Strategies and the Therapeutic Process with Gambling Disorder
Presented By:
This interesting and informative workshop will discuss various effective treatment strategies when engaging clients with gambling disorder. This presentation will also review best practices when work with a problem gambler. Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, and Mindfulness practices will be discussed. Examining the course of treatment and the therapeutic process of the gambler will also be a focus of this training.
Attendees should be able to:
- Participants will be able to identify strategies to increase client engagement in the treatment of gambling disorder.
- Participants will be able to identify common concerns of gambling clients that can be used to increase motivation to engage in treatment.
- Participants will increase their understanding of using MI, CBT and Mindfulness practices in the treatment of gambling disorder.
- Participants will develop an understanding of the treatment challenges and therapeutic process unique to working with clients who have a gambling disorder.
Tuesday April 25, 2023
Integrating Gambling Screening and Assessment into Clinical Practice
Presented By:
Screening tools assist those in helping professions identify potential problems that may need further assessment. Gambling screening tools may not a part of your regular practice due to the limited knowledge on how to screen, provide interventions and further assessment. This training will demonstrate the importance of integrating evidenced-based gambling screening tools into your clinical practice, tips for brief intervention and how to incorporate gambling related questions into a full biopsychosocial assessment.
- Emphasize the importance of integrating gambling screening tools into your practice, with examples of brief screens and intervention tips
- How to incorporate questions related to gambling into a biopsychosocial assessment, considering DSM criteria
- Reflections for referral using the ASAM Dimensions
Friday, January 15, 2021
Peer Recovery Support for Problem Gambling
Presented By:
Peer Recovery Support provides individualized recovery for those seeking a healthier and happier life from addictive behavior. In FY2017, the Maryland Department of Health Behavioral Health Administration expanded the state’s Peer Support initiatives by granting the Center additional funding to develop a Peer Recovery Support program specifically for those struggling with problem gambling and disordered gambling. Sharing personal insights, the Center’s Peer team will provide an overview of peer support for problem gambling/disordered gambling and share their experiences (successes and challenges).
Attendees should be able to:
- Understand the history and effectiveness of Peer Recovery Support in general and within Maryland.
- Learn how Peer Recovery Support for problem gambling/disordered gambling differs from other addiction support.
- Learn about the resources available for problem gambling Peer Support and how to engage the Center’s Peer team.
Friday, March 11, 2022
Positive Psychology: A Strength Based Approach to Working with Gamblers. Part 2
Presented By:
Summary: Part 2 will continue our discussion on the strength-based approach of Positive Psychology. We will discuss ways that clinicians can help gambling clients to enhance their ability to experience positive outcomes in recovery and live a satisfying life. This workshop will explore approaches to help individuals to savor pleasure and improve their ability to engage in their lives. Positive Psychology helps clients to cultivate the best within themselves. Join us for the continuation of this uplifting exploration of how to help clients live up to their full potential.
Attendees should be able to:
- Learn about what Positive Psychology is and how it can be applied.
- Learn how to further develop and create the therapeutic conditions to allow a client to thrive.
- Explore the concepts of savoring, flow, and engagement as they relate to gambling recovery.
Monday, May 9, 2022
Screening, Assessment and Treatment Planning for Gambling Problems
Presented By:
This workshop will examine how to use gambling screens, assessment measurements scales, and develop treatment plans for those who engage in gambling behaviors. The basic tools for identifying and working with the problem gambler will be discussed. The participant will learn about ASAM criteria for establishing a treatment and recovery plan. The inclusion of a financial plan, a client’s strengths, motivation, and readiness to change will also be addressed.
Attendees should be able to:
- Participants will be able to identify the need and rationale for screening for gambling problems in a range of health care settings.
- Participants will be able to identify at least three methods to assess problem gambling severity.
- Participants will be able to identify how to develop a problem gambling integrated intake.
- Participants will be able to understand how to use ASAM guidelines for developing a problem gambling treatment plan which incorporates financial issues into the plan.
- Participants will be able to utilize their knowledge, skills and experience to collaborate with clients to develop a meaningful specific plan to sustain their recovery.
Friday, May 5, 2023
Gambling With Your Life: Suicide and Gambling Disorder
Presented By:
This presentation will highlight how gambling addiction places all those impacted by the addiction a greater risk for suicide ideation, thoughts, and attempts. Just acknowledging that there may be a potential risk of harm is key. Effectively listening and responding in a timely manner to those in suicidal crises is essential.
Participants should be able to:
- Gain a clear understanding of how suicidal risk becomes a viable option for individuals and/or their family members dealing with a gambling addiction
- Understand the risk factors for suicide and their similarities to the warning signs of problem gambling.
- Learn the importance of the listening skills needed to effectively hear and respond to someone who may be expressing suicidal thoughts.
Thursday, May 19, 2022
Families, Finances, and Recovery Working with Gamblers
Presented By:
This training will examine how to include and integrate family therapy and financial planning into the treatment of problem gambling. We will discuss the impact of gambling on the dynamics of the family and explore the treatment issues and considerations when working with families. This workshop will address the financial impact of gambling and on the recovering individual and family. We will also discuss the recovery process. It’s challenges and hope for sustaining positive outcomes.
Attendees should be able to:
- Participants will identify most common family issues to address related to working with those who suffer with a gambling disorder.
- Participants will learn how to develop effective strategies for working with financial issues and money protection planning.
- Participants will learn ways to address common therapeutic challenges in working with and families with an individual with a gambling disorder.
- Participants will learn about the recovery process of the individual with a gambling disorder.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Understanding the Needs Assessment Data Collection process on Underage and Adults Problem Gambling Behavior among Maryland Residents
Presented By:
Heather Eshleman, MPH., Prevention Manager, Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling.
The purpose of the Center’s needs assessment is to compile quantitative & qualitative data in one document to use as a guide in creating a strategic plan for problem gambling prevention in Maryland. This webinar will discuss the Center’s needs assessment data collection process & compilation of results. Key findings from focus groups conducted of at-risk groups, key interviews conducted of community leaders, and environmental scans of casinos and lottery retailers in Maryland will be discussed.
- Participants will learn about the needs assessment process & reasons for conducting assessment.
- Participants will learn about tools that can be used to collect and summarize qualitative data for underage and problem gambling prevention
- Participants will learn about quantitative & qualitative data collection process
- Participants will learn results of key interviews, focus groups and environmental scans conducted in Maryland
Friday, May 19, 2023
Shame and Guilt
Presented By:
Participants will be able to identify difference between shame and guilt and how they interact the problem gambler. Therapists will be able to better support clients by helping clients develop tools and strategies to reduce the impact of shame and guilt.
- To learn the definitions of Shame and Guilt
- To increase awareness and understanding of how Shame and Guilt impact the problem gambler and their environment.
- To learn therapeutic techniques and coping skills to help clients work through and deal with feelings of Shame and Guilt.
Friday, June 2, 2023
2023 Maryland Legislative Session Overview
Presented By:
Every year, the Maryland General Assembly meets for 90 days from January-April to create new laws in the state. The Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling (Center) tracks all legislation relevant to gambling and submits public testimony when appropriate. In this webinar, the Center’s Government Relations Manager, Blair Inniss, will guide participants through the whole legislative process and explain the work that the Center undertakes in Annapolis while the General Assembly is in session. After this webinar, attendees will have an understanding of the lifecycle of a bill in Maryland, what bills the Center tracked in 2023, and how the end of session impacts the work of the Center throughout the rest of the year.
Participants should be able to:
- Understand the legislative process in Maryland
- Review bills in Maryland that related to problem gambling
- Discuss outcomes and future directions for problem gambling in Maryland
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Promoting Resilience in the Family: Working with Families of the Problem Gambler
Presented By:
The family members of the problem gambler experience a great deal of emotional strain and stress. Families need support and assistance to restore balance and psychological equilibrium. Join us for this interesting and informative presentation on family dynamics and building family resilience. Learn how to help families heal, grow, and recover. This workshop will address the treatment issues that are common and unique when working with the families of the problem gambler.
Participants should be able to:
- To learn the definition of resilience and how to promote it.
- To develop an increased understanding of how to build resilience in the family of the problem gambler.
- To increase understanding of relevant family issues involved in the treatment of problem gamblers.
- To learn therapeutic techniques to promote the recovery of the problem gambler and their family
Friday, March 25, 2022
Best Practices in the Treatment of Gambling Disorder
Presented By:
This webinar will explore and review various therapeutic approaches to working with clients that suffer with a Gambling Disorder. The topics for discussion will include: the therapeutic challenges for the clinician, engagement strategies, obstacles to treatment, motivational interviewing, CBT, and mindfulness based practices.
Attendees should be able to:
- Participants will learn how to apply evidence based practices in the treatment of Gambling Disorder.
- Participants will develop an understanding of the complexities of the therapeutic processes that are unique to Gambling Disordered individuals.
- Participants will be learn various techniques to improve treatment outcomes for those who have a Gambling Disorder.
Friday, June 23, 2023
Highlighting Health Disparities and Equity in Problem Gambling Prevention During National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
Presented By:
Heather Eshleman, MPH, Prevention Manager
James Nowlin, CPRS, Peer Recovery Support Specialist
National and Maryland data show minority populations are at a greater risk of problem gambling. This webinar will show data and research findings indicating this heath disparity and discuss reasons why minority populations may be at greater risk. The Maryland Council on Problem Gambling will provide an overview of the Council and prevention programming implemented in collaboration with minority populations. The Center will highlight problem gambling prevention strategies implemented through youth and special populations grant programs. In addition, learn from Baltimore City’s peer recovery support specialist how he assists those in Baltimore City that have a gambling problem. Recommendations for how your organization can promote health equity, raise awareness of responsible gambling, and promote resources for help will be discussed.
- Learn the most recent data on minority gambling behaviors and why this population may be at greater risk of problem gambling.
- Learn about the Maryland Council on Problem Gambling and problem gambling prevention strategies.
- Learn about strategies implemented through the youth and special populations grant program and peer recovery support, reaching minority populations.
- Learn how your organization can get involved with increasing health equity related to responsible gambling and promoting resources for help.
Friday, June 24, 2022
Celebrating National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month: Focusing on Health Equity in Problem Gambling Prevention
Presented By:
Heather Eshleman, MPH, Prevention Manager
James Nowlin, Peer Recovery Support Specialist
National and Maryland data show minority populations are at greater risk of problem gambling. This webinar will show data and research findings indicating this heath disparity and discuss reasons why minority populations may be at greater risk. The Maryland Council on Problem Gambling will discuss successes and challenges of the faith-based communities wellness grants initiative. The Center will highlight problem gambling prevention strategies implemented through youth and special populations grant programs. Recommendations for how your organization can promote health equity, raise awareness of responsible gambling, and promote resources for help will be discussed.
Attendees should be able to:
- Learn the most recent data on minority gambling behaviors and why this population may be at greater risk of problem gambling.
- Learn about the faith-based communities wellness grants initiative.
- Learn about strategies implemented through the youth and special populations grant program reaching minority populations.
- Learn how your organization can get involved with increasing health equity related to responsible gambling and promoting resources for help.
Friday, April 8, 2022
Update on SBIRT
Presented By:
Summary: Research evidence has been accumulating indicating that unidentified problem gambling contributes to increased treatment costs and decreased treatment effectiveness across behavioral and general health care settings. This presentation will review the most commonly employed, evidenced-based brief problem gambling screening instruments currently in use. Research based as well as clinical evidence will be used to discuss pros and cons of screening strategies and to recommend an effective screening, brief intervention and referral process.
Attendees should be able to:
- Participants will be able to identify key elements to effective screening for gambling problems
- Participants will be able to identify strategies to initiate discussion of the impact of gambling in a variety of health care settings
- Participants will be able to describe the current research on the development of a gambling SBIRT
Friday, April 29, 2022
Celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month: Focusing on Gambling Behaviors Among Maryland’s Asian Population and Strategies to Prevent Problem Gambling
Presented By:
Hyang (Ana) Park, Program Director, My Life Foundation
Heather Eshleman, MPH, Prevention Manager
Kenneth Crawford, CPRS, CRS, Certified Peer Recovery Specialist
National and State data show Asians are at an increased risk of problem gambling compared to the Caucasian population. This webinar will show data and research findings indicating this heath disparity and discuss reasons why the Asian population may be at greater risk of problem gambling behaviors. My Life Foundation, a community organization in Maryland, will discuss how they have integrated problem gambling prevention strategies with their mental health promotion and substance misuse prevention programming to reach the Korean population. Recommendations for how your organization can assist with expanding problem gambling prevention work within the Asian community and resources for help will be discussed.
Attendees should be able to:
- Learn the most recent data on Asian gambling and why this population may be at greater risk of problem gambling.
- Learn about problem gambling prevention strategies targeting the Korean community implemented in collaboration with My Life Foundation.
- Learn easy and low-cost public awareness and prevention strategies to promote responsible gambling among the Asian population.
Friday, May 13, 2022
Promoting Resilience in The Family: Working with the Families of those with a Gambling Disorder
Presented By:
The family members of the problem gambler experience a great deal of emotional strain and stress. Families need support and assistance to restore balance and psychological equilibrium. Join us for this interesting and informative presentation on family dynamics and building family resilience. Learn how to help families heal, grow, and recover. This workshop will address the treatment issues that are common and unique when working with the families of the problem gambler.
Attendees should be able to:
- To learn the definition of resilience and how to promote it.
- To develop an increased understanding of how to build resilience in the family of the problem gambler.
- To increase understanding of relevant family issues involved in the treatment of problem gamblers
- To learn therapeutic techniques to promote the recovery of the problem gambler and their family.
Friday, May 20, 2022
Guess Who’s Coming to Problem Gambling Treatment, Prevention, and Community Wellness? What’s On Your Menu?
Presented By:
Remember Sidney Portier in the amazing “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?” Well, over 50 years later while there is diversity progress, we still appear surprised when treatment is available, but the numbers are quite low. Is it possible that mental health “menus” still rely on traditional theoretical and service delivery models lacking goodness-of-fit among culturally diverse individuals, families and communities? Less than 5% seek disordered gambling treatment (ncpgambling.com), and our treatment models and prevention efforts often lack cultural modifications to support communities we purport to support. Why aren’t we developing community wellness opportunities to meet the 95% who are not treatment seeking? Restaurants alter their menus regularly to meet customer needs. When will we make the necessary diversity, equity and inclusion strategic changes to appeal to the interests and desires of communities we serve? Are we willing to do a major overhaul? This session will challenge us to dig deeper and develop transformative DEI strategic plans to expand advocacy, treatment and prevention to meet the changing needs of communities during a pandemic and post-pandemic world.
- Identify “old” menu barriers to culturally accessible gambling disorders treatment, prevention, and community wellness.
- Highlight the benefit of adopting a health equity and social justice lens to expand problem gambling awareness and advocacy among culturally diverse communities.
- Provide “new menu” tips for developing community wellness.
Friday, May 27, 2022
The Importance of Language in our Work with problem Gamblers
Presented By:
A couple of years I ago, I was sitting next to a dear friend and person in recovery from a gambling disorder. I leaned over and whispered to her how distressing I found it for the presenter to refer to a person in recovery as “the gambler.” She said, “I know, if they say that one more time, I may scream.” This use of language is the norm, not the exception. It is so ubiquitous we don’t even think about it. Much more has been written about the significance of the language of recovery in the Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health fields; particularly around issues of stigma and shame. This presentation will address the importance of how to use words and language to reduce stigma in the field of gambling disorder for both individuals in recovery and their partners in recovery.
Attendees should be able to:
- Participants will be able to identify evidence for how gambling disorder is stigmatized.
- Participants will be able to define person first language and how even “neutral” terms may contribute to stigma around gambling disorder
- Participants will be able to identify effective strategies for reducing the stigma associated with harmful gambling
Friday, June 10, 2022
Don’t Forget About the Power of the Unconscious: A Psychodynamic Approach to Working with Problem Gamblers
Presented By:
Summary: This interesting and informative webinar will discuss the unconscious processes that effect the development of the problem gambler. We will explore the various levels of consciousness, as it relates to the problem gambler. The discussion will also address the role of defense mechanisms, fantasy life and transference in the understanding of gambling disordered individuals. The application of psychodynamic principals in the treatment of the gambler will also be included in the presentation.
Attendees should be able to:
- Participants will develop a greater understanding psychodynamic theory and how it explains the development of gambling disorder.
- Participants will learn how the concepts of defense mechanisms; fantasy life and transference apply to problem gambling.
- Develop a deeper understanding of how to apply the principals of psychodynamic psychology to the treatment of gambling disorder.
Webinar Archives
Friday, March 3, 2023
Take the "Madness" out of Gambling: Harm Reduction Strategies
Presented By:
The month of March is know for “March Madness,” the NCAA men’s college basketball tournament as well as Problem Gambling Awareness month. To kick off this month of heightened gambling around the NCAA tournament as well as heighted awareness of the potential for gambling to create broad range of financial, emotional, legal and interpersonal problems, this webinar will discuss clinical and public health strategies for reducing the harms associated with problem gambling. Individual, family and community harms and harm reduction strategies will be considered.
Participants should be able to:
- Participants will be able to identify at least two potential harms related to problem gambling at an individual, family and community levels
- Participants will be able to describe interventions that can assist individuals/families whose goals may be limited/controlled gambling or abstinence from gambling. to reduce gambling related harms
- Participants will be able to identify how gambling related harms interact with social determinants of health and well-being.
Friday, October 28, 2022
Problem Gambling Among Military and Veteran Populations
Presented By:
There are substantial risks for those currently serving or who have served in the military to be faced with a gambling problem; a problem not only impacting them, but others in their lives. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) made a clear and strong recommendation that all branches of the military screen, assess and provide treatment for Gambling Disorder. Furthermore, the most current Defense Department Authorization Act has mandated that all services screen for Gambling Disorder. However, there has yet been a systemwide approach to integrating GD into existing addiction and behavioral health services within the Department of Defense or Veterans Administration. This training will address the special needs and risk factors among active-duty service members and veterans around problem gambling. Co-occurring issues such as PTSD and suicide will also be discussed.
Attendees should be able to:
- Identify scope of problem gambling in active-duty military and veteran populations
- Identify problem gambling risk factors for those serving in the military
- Adapt treatment strategies to best align with military and veteran groups
Friday, March 17, 2023
Best Practices in Gambling Treatment
Presented By:
This training will focus on some of the Engagement -Best Practices, Evidence based therapist, Reality Therapy and Therapist Mindfulness Skills and Self Care.
- Participants will learn how to apply evidence-based practices in the treatment of Gambling Disorder.
- Participants will develop an understanding of the complexities of the therapeutic processes that are unique to Gambling Disordered individuals.
- Participants will learn various techniques to improve treatment outcomes for those who have a Gambling Disorder.
Friday, March 10, 2023 (Rescheduled from February 28)
R.E.S.P.E.C.T: Find Out What It Means To Me! Culture is Home and DEI Strategies for Gambling Wellness, Prevention and Treatment
Presented By:
The current focus in diversity, equity and inclusion (and belonging) (DEIB) is to foster cultural humility vs. cultural competency as cultural humility (Fisher-Borne, et al., 2015; Lekas et al., 2020) recognizes that cultures are ever changing and we will never arrive at a place of “competency”–we should humble ourselves and strive to increase our cultural awareness in order to demonstrate true “respect” for the cultural communities we support. In this session, you will learn updated DEIB strategies to enhance your practice so that clients feel “seen,” “heard,” respected, and empowered to practice gambling wellness and recovery. This session will also highlight “outside the box” creative strategies so you feel empowered also.
Participants should be able to:
- Identity differences between cultural competency and cultural humility.
- Learn 3 DEIB strategies for consideration in gambling wellnesss, treatment, and prevention.
- Consider creative “outside the box” strategies for practitioner empowerment of DEI efforts.
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
SPECIAL EVENT: 2nd Annual Addiction and Recovery Conference 2023
Presented By:
The Addiction and Recovery Conference is a yearly collaboration between Maryland Peer Support Specialists and Maryland Behavioral Health Providers to share resources and information to better serve those in their community. Sponsored by the Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling and Tree of Hope Association, this year’s Conference will offer Continuing Education Units for Peers and Providers.
Participants should be able to:
- Develop a better understanding how Peer Recovery Support Specialists and Behavioral Health Providers can partner in assisting persons seeking help for addiction and recovery.
- Hear from an array of organizations how addiction and recovery is impacting youth and the LGBTQ+ population, ways to incorporate tools for prevention and harm reduction, and how to utilize ACES in your work.
- Resources for Maryland residents who are impacted by addiction and/or on the path to recovery.
Friday February 17, 2023
Working Together to Promote March Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM)
Presented By:
Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM), held each March, is a grassroots public awareness and outreach campaign created and sponsored by the National Council on Problem Gambling to educate the general public, behavioral health providers and preventionists, businesses, and community organizations on problem gambling. PGAM is an opportunity to showcase how different entities bring awareness to problem gambling and responsible gaming. Through this webinar, learn what the Maryland Lottery, Live! Casino, and the Center do to promote PGAM. Learn about the Maryland Alliance on Responsible Gambling and other Maryland resources for promoting safe gambling all year long. Learn how you can participate in PGAM!
Participants should be able to:
- Learn the history of Problem Gambling Awareness Month and why it is important to raise awareness of problem gambling.
- Learn how the Maryland Lottery and Live! Casino promote responsible gambling.
- Learn about the collaboration and responsible gambling strategies of the Maryland Alliance on Responsible Gambling (MARG).
- Learn about materials in the Center’s Problem Gambling Awareness Month toolkit that you can use in your workplace and community to raise awareness of problem gambling and resources for help.
Friday, February 3, 2023
Deception and Self-Deception Related to Gambling Disorder
Presented By:
Lying to individuals who are important to them, is a diagnostic criteria for those with gambling disorder. This emphasized the importance of recognizing the centrality of deception and well as self-deception in this disorder. This webinar will look at ways that those with GD engage in deceiving themselves and others as a way to protect and maintain their gambling behavior. This webinar will focus on understanding the process of deception and self-deception in a non-stigmatizing manner to help those in recovery address unhelpful thinking patterns and ways to develop self-honesty and honesty with others.
Participants should be able to:
- To describe unhelpful thinking patterns among those with gambling disorder and how they contribute to self-deception and maintenance of harmful gambling.
- To present ways to address lying in a non-stigmatizing manner to decrease client defensiveness and increase self-awareness and honesty.
- To discuss ways deception harms relationships and families and recovery-oriented ways of communicating more openly and honestly
Friday, January 20, 2023
Maryland Sports Betting: Implications from a Policy, Prevention, and Treatment Perspective
Presented By:
Heather Eshleman, MPH, Prevention Manager
Lori Rugle, PhD, ICGC-II, BACC, ICGD, Problem Gambling Treatment Consultant
The first sports betting licenses were issued in December 2021, creating a new avenue for betting in Maryland. Understand from various perspectives how access to a new way of gambling can impact your community. In this webinar we will discuss the Maryland policies on sports betting and how they may promote or discourage safe gambling. Hear about prevention strategies that can be used to avert underage gambling and encourage adults to gamble safely. In addition, from a clinical perspective, learn methods that can be used to identify and treat those who may be showing signs of a sports betting or gambling problem.
Participants should be able to:
- Consider the sports betting policies in Maryland and their potential impact on the community.
- Understand problem gambling prevention strategies that can be implemented to encourage responsible gambling in Maryland.
- Understand the evidenced-based problem gambling screening tools and treatment strategies relevant to individuals with problem gambling behaviors due to sports betting.
Friday, January 6, 2023
Self-help Recovery Support for Gambling Disorder
Presented By:
It is extremely important for counselors working with individuals and concerned others living with a gambling disorder to understand the range of self-help options that can support recovery for their clients. This webinar will review the scope of self-help options available for individuals, their friends and families who are facing the issue of gambling disorder. The nature and scope of a variety of self-help groups (including Gamblers Anonymous, Gam-Anon, Gamblers in Recovery, SMART Recovery, Quitgamble.com, etc.) will be discussed and the role of self-help options within a Recovery Oriented System of care will be explored.
Participants should be able to:
- identify the nature and recovery orientation of a variety of self-help groups so as to be able to make the most effective options to their clients.
- describe how self-help options can be integrated into clinical recovery planning.
- utilize motivational strategies to encourage client utilization of self-help resources.
Friday, December 16, 2022
The Journey to Recovery
Presented By:
Gambling, like all addictions can have an arduous journey back to a normal way of thinking and living. Unfortunately, many people do not seem to comprehend the complexity of this disease and as it goes undetected it becomes that elephant in the room which nobody seems to notice or is comfortable addressing. To this day many people look at excessive gambling as a problem with which the individual should simply “just stop” before causing further financial or personal problems. As certified peer recovery specialists in recovery from a gambling disorder we will share our experiences with the struggles involving recognizing the gambling addiction, the tools which can be utilized to assist someone you believe is struggling with this disease, ways and means to regain one’s self-worth, and tools which can be utilized to assist in treating the disease.
- A better understanding of the difference between recreational/pleasure gambling and problem gambling.
- Suggestions on approaching an individual whom you suspect might have a gambling problem.
- Treatment options for an individual with a gambling problem, both short term and long term.
Friday, December 2, 2022
Finance and Gambling
Presented By:
Participants will gain an understanding of how the meaning and value of money changes with the progression of a gambling disorder and how to talk about and address the financial impact of problem gambling as a key component of the recovery process.
- Participants will be able to define how the meaning of money becomes distorted through the progress of a gambling disorder
- Participants will be able to identify and assess the common financial consequences of a gambling disorder
- Participants will be able to define the key components of a financial recovery plan for disordered gamblers
Friday, October 7, 2022
Gambling Disorder and Co-occurring Disorders
Presented By:
What is the relationship between gambling problems and psychiatric disorders? This webinar will deepen your understanding of the underlying causes and conditions that contribute to the development and maintenance of addictions. You will learn about the challenges that clinicians face in providing treatment for those who struggle with co-occurring disorders.
Attendees should be able to:
- Identify the impact of gambling among individuals diagnosed with psychiatric illnesses
- Identify at least three commonly perceived benefits of gambling for individuals with psychological disorders.
- Identify treatment approaches to address gambling problems among those with psychiatric conditions.
Friday, April 7, 2023
Stress Management Approaches to Work with the Problem Gambler
Presented By:
This training will put the emphasis on stress management for individuals struggling with disordered gambling and how it can help these individuals with gambling addiction. Studies have shown that managing one’s level of stress can reduce the tendencies to want to gamble to escape stressors for example. Afterall, gambling is not a pure disorder. It’s imperative to get these individuals to start working towards harm reduction or abstinence from gambling in order to regain control of their lives.
Participants should be able to:
- A working definition of stress and the impact on the problem gambler
- Coping strategies to manage stressors responsibly
- Utilizing mindfulness and self-care regimen to manage stressors
- Embracing resiliency to get back on track with one’s goals and aspirations
Thursday – April 13, 2023
Gambling and Comorbid Process Addictions – Part I
Presented By:
Participants will be able to identify different process addictions and how they interact to make recovery more complicated when they occur concurrently. Therapists will be able to better support clients who are trying to develop goals and priorities.
- Identify 5 questions and 5 categories that can help a person identify problematic behavior.
- Identify an idiosyncrasy for at least three different types of process addictions.
- Identify at least three differences between healthy sexuality (sexual positivity) and toxic sexual behaviors (sex addiction).
- Describe the difference between Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder and Anorexia Nervosa
- Identify the six components of the addiction cycle.
- Describe how co-addictions can be fused and describe three different stages of that process.
Friday, April 21, 2023
Focusing on Gambling Behaviors Among Maryland’s Asian Population and Strategies to Prevent Problem Gambling
Presented By:
Heather Eshleman, MPH, Prevention Manager
Kenneth Crawford, CPRS, CRS, Certified Peer Recovery Specialist
National and State data show Asians are at an increased risk of problem gambling compared to the Caucasian population. This webinar will show data and research findings indicating this heath disparity and discuss reasons why the Asian population may be at greater risk of problem gambling behaviors. Hear from one of the Center’s Peer Recovery Support Specialists and how he views gambling in the Asian community. My Life Foundation, a community organization in Maryland, will discuss how they have integrated problem gambling prevention strategies with their mental health promotion and substance misuse prevention programming to reach the Korean population. Recommendations for how your organization can assist with expanding problem gambling prevention work within the Asian community and resources for help will be discussed.
Participants should be able to:
- Learn the most recent data on Asian gambling and why this population may be at greater risk of problem gambling.
- Learn from a Peer Recovery Support Specialist perspectives on gambling in the Asian community.
- Learn about problem gambling prevention strategies targeting the Korean community implemented in collaboration with My Life Foundation.
- Learn easy and low-cost public awareness and prevention strategies to promote responsible gambling among the Asian population.
Tuesday April 25, 2023
Integrating Gambling Screening and Assessment into Clinical Practice
Presented By:
Screening tools assist those in helping professions identify potential problems that may need further assessment. Gambling screening tools may not a part of your regular practice due to the limited knowledge on how to screen, provide interventions and further assessment. This training will demonstrate the importance of integrating evidenced-based gambling screening tools into your clinical practice, tips for brief intervention and how to incorporate gambling related questions into a full biopsychosocial assessment.
- Emphasize the importance of integrating gambling screening tools into your practice, with examples of brief screens and intervention tips
- How to incorporate questions related to gambling into a biopsychosocial assessment, considering DSM criteria
- Reflections for referral using the ASAM Dimensions
Friday, May 5, 2023
Gambling With Your Life: Suicide and Gambling Disorder
Presented By:
This presentation will highlight how gambling addiction places all those impacted by the addiction a greater risk for suicide ideation, thoughts, and attempts. Just acknowledging that there may be a potential risk of harm is key. Effectively listening and responding in a timely manner to those in suicidal crises is essential.
Participants should be able to:
- Gain a clear understanding of how suicidal risk becomes a viable option for individuals and/or their family members dealing with a gambling addiction
- Understand the risk factors for suicide and their similarities to the warning signs of problem gambling.
- Learn the importance of the listening skills needed to effectively hear and respond to someone who may be expressing suicidal thoughts.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Understanding the Needs Assessment Data Collection process on Underage and Adults Problem Gambling Behavior among Maryland Residents
Presented By:
Heather Eshleman, MPH., Prevention Manager, Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling.
The purpose of the Center’s needs assessment is to compile quantitative & qualitative data in one document to use as a guide in creating a strategic plan for problem gambling prevention in Maryland. This webinar will discuss the Center’s needs assessment data collection process & compilation of results. Key findings from focus groups conducted of at-risk groups, key interviews conducted of community leaders, and environmental scans of casinos and lottery retailers in Maryland will be discussed.
- Participants will learn about the needs assessment process & reasons for conducting assessment.
- Participants will learn about tools that can be used to collect and summarize qualitative data for underage and problem gambling prevention
- Participants will learn about quantitative & qualitative data collection process
- Participants will learn results of key interviews, focus groups and environmental scans conducted in Maryland
Friday, May 19, 2023
Shame and Guilt
Presented By:
Participants will be able to identify difference between shame and guilt and how they interact the problem gambler. Therapists will be able to better support clients by helping clients develop tools and strategies to reduce the impact of shame and guilt.
- To learn the definitions of Shame and Guilt
- To increase awareness and understanding of how Shame and Guilt impact the problem gambler and their environment.
- To learn therapeutic techniques and coping skills to help clients work through and deal with feelings of Shame and Guilt.
Friday, June 2, 2023
2023 Maryland Legislative Session Overview
Presented By:
Every year, the Maryland General Assembly meets for 90 days from January-April to create new laws in the state. The Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling (Center) tracks all legislation relevant to gambling and submits public testimony when appropriate. In this webinar, the Center’s Government Relations Manager, Blair Inniss, will guide participants through the whole legislative process and explain the work that the Center undertakes in Annapolis while the General Assembly is in session. After this webinar, attendees will have an understanding of the lifecycle of a bill in Maryland, what bills the Center tracked in 2023, and how the end of session impacts the work of the Center throughout the rest of the year.
Participants should be able to:
- Understand the legislative process in Maryland
- Review bills in Maryland that related to problem gambling
- Discuss outcomes and future directions for problem gambling in Maryland
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Promoting Resilience in the Family: Working with Families of the Problem Gambler
Presented By:
The family members of the problem gambler experience a great deal of emotional strain and stress. Families need support and assistance to restore balance and psychological equilibrium. Join us for this interesting and informative presentation on family dynamics and building family resilience. Learn how to help families heal, grow, and recover. This workshop will address the treatment issues that are common and unique when working with the families of the problem gambler.
Participants should be able to:
- To learn the definition of resilience and how to promote it.
- To develop an increased understanding of how to build resilience in the family of the problem gambler.
- To increase understanding of relevant family issues involved in the treatment of problem gamblers.
- To learn therapeutic techniques to promote the recovery of the problem gambler and their family
Friday, June 23, 2023
Highlighting Health Disparities and Equity in Problem Gambling Prevention During National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
Presented By:
Heather Eshleman, MPH, Prevention Manager
James Nowlin, CPRS, Peer Recovery Support Specialist
National and Maryland data show minority populations are at a greater risk of problem gambling. This webinar will show data and research findings indicating this heath disparity and discuss reasons why minority populations may be at greater risk. The Maryland Council on Problem Gambling will provide an overview of the Council and prevention programming implemented in collaboration with minority populations. The Center will highlight problem gambling prevention strategies implemented through youth and special populations grant programs. In addition, learn from Baltimore City’s peer recovery support specialist how he assists those in Baltimore City that have a gambling problem. Recommendations for how your organization can promote health equity, raise awareness of responsible gambling, and promote resources for help will be discussed.
- Learn the most recent data on minority gambling behaviors and why this population may be at greater risk of problem gambling.
- Learn about the Maryland Council on Problem Gambling and problem gambling prevention strategies.
- Learn about strategies implemented through the youth and special populations grant program and peer recovery support, reaching minority populations.
- Learn how your organization can get involved with increasing health equity related to responsible gambling and promoting resources for help.