Provider Training Archives

Principles and Paradigms of Gambling Disorder: Discover the who, what, when, where, why, and how? Part 2
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Date: February 27, 2025
Time: 9AM-12PM
CEU's: 3
Presented By:
Kristen Beall LCSW-C, ICGC-II, CAC-AD
Nationally gambling expansion is on the rise, and Maryland is no exception. We will discuss who is at risk and susceptible to developing problems with gambling and gambling disorder, with evidenced based screening tools for integration into clinical practice. What are the different forms of gambling, when does a person’s gambling indicate problems, and why is gambling disorder considered a hidden addiction will be explored. Discover how you can integrate conversations about the potential harms of gambling into your practice and models of care.
Learning Objectives:
  • Incorporate questions related to gambling into a biopsychosocial assessment, reviewing the DSM-5 Criteria for Gambling Disorder.  
  • How to incorporate conversations about financial wellness into your practice and some specific needs for persons with an identified gambling disorder. 
  • Understand ways to include harm reduction for gambling behavior and reduce potential harms related to gambling.